About the Role
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Designed, wrote, and developed creative, effective, electronic, ILT, and blended learning courses/modules assessments and efficacy evaluations in Captivate, Storyline, Articulate, Camtasia, and Robohelp.
Developed highly interactive and technical eLearning courses, simulations, templates, and job aids (supporting materials)
Managed entire project processes including launch, periodic updates, revisions and sign offs.
Blended best methodologies and practices into effective learning solutions, incorporating ILT materials, e.g., training supplements, assessment tools, user guides (ILT)
Integrated information/curricula mapping, applying multiple project management strategies for development and design, integrating multiple ADDIE models, SAM, iterative AGILE Project Management
Applied constructivist and adult learning theories principles, and action learning principles in course design.
Piloted integrated courses and modules
Spearheaded project steering committee of diverse stakeholders, i.e., communicating with directors, SMEs, department managers, trainers, supervisors, and leads ensuring product quality control.
Developed and analyze needs assessments
Developed goals, outcomes, and objectives, and ensured mapping and integration of course goals/outcomes and instructional objectives
Defined responsive and traditional eLearning content and validation methods for learning solutions.
Directed audio and video production for integration into learning modules
Evaluated learning and ongoing course efficacy
Provided oversight for LMS launch and management
Produced, edited and integrated course assets, e.g., video files, slide presentations, Captivate, Robohelp, AfterEffects, Photoshop, Audition, Premiere, InDesign
Administered LMS pre and post-launch access, review, QA, and reporting when necessary.
Worked closely with vendor personnel (CIO, COO, IT developers) to ensure backend deliverables meet front end user and administrative needs
Assigned users to groups, learning plans and individual learning filter dynamic permissions and access (curricula paths), post events attached to calendars and emails, automate dynamic learning plans, convert WebEx to SCORM, monitor usage and activity, review contracts, and ensure compliance for health care industry regulatory bodies (including CMS, DHCS, and CalOSHA)
Administered daily operations as needed, e.g., password reminders, editing/creating users, and regular manually and automated reports are generated password reminders, editing/creating users, and regular manually and automated reports are generated.
About the Company
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Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own, or import content from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, videos and more. You can also collect and store information from your site visitors using input elements like custom forms and fields.
Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. Preview your site to check that all your elements are displaying content from the right collection fields.